Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Whats your Knit-dentity?

I've been wanting to start the knitting mafia for quite some time now. Well, truth be told since knitting got the big popularity "boom". Don't get me wrong (please...I really don't want to open angry e-mails) I'm all for new knitters and everything (really I am), but what I'm not down for is the frilly, furry, acrylic-ness, the second cousins of the knitting world (if you will). If you're down for that, GREAT. But I'm not.
I'm for the history and the physics of the whole thing. When I sit down with two sticks (ordinary wooden sticks!!)
and some (for lack of a better description) animal hair, I can create anything! How crazy is that? There is definitely a seat in Heaven for the person responsible for that!!!!! It makes me feel close to my ancestors in a way. Don't get me wrong.....If my great- great.......grandmother had had a cell phone or I-Pod, she DEFINITELY would have made protective covers for them.
SO......What are you?
A purest The snob (yes there is a difference between the two) or The ______
(let me know and I'll post the top 10... with your reasons)
I'm Ruth and I'll tell you what I am next time......